For vape connoisseurs who simply want the very best portable, dual-use vaporizer. DaVinci’s most advanced dry herb vaporizer, The IQ2, provides a cooler vapor, ultimate flavor profile, and precision temperature control at your fingertips. The IQ2 vaporizer empowers you to customize your airflow, plus track and report your vape dose per draw and per session. The extensive battery life also allows you to enjoy your IQ2 on the go.
Includes: IQ2 dual-use dry herb vaporizer, 10mm Bubbler Adapter, 0.2g Dosage Pod, 9 Pieces Organic Cottons, 1 Ceramic Extract Tab, USB Charging Cable, Pick Tool, 9 Alcohol Wipes
Like the other DaVinci vaporizers, the IQ2 vaporizer is built with purity in mind with medical-grade components. Each unit is built with great care to ensure that no metal or plastic parts touch your dry herb or contaminate the flavor or aromas of your vapor. Our goal is to help you have the best experience vaping dry herb. We know one of the perks of vaping is enjoying the smooth, clean vapor, and without that, you might as well be inhaling smoke. Our goal is to help you get the most from your portable dry herb or weed vape. The all-ceramic air path on our portable herb vaporizers is engineered with zirconia and a glass-lined heating oven to ensure unprecedented vape purity, optimal heat, and quality dry herb flavor.
Using the IQ2’s airflow dial, adjust your vaporizer for easier draws and enjoy vapor that is 50% cooler than other portable vaporizers. Reduce your vape draw resistance and experience bigger, denser vapor, without worrying about the heat of the dry herb burning your lungs. The higher you place the dial on our portable dry herb vaporizers, the stronger the dry herb concentrates will be.
Input your strain potency and the amount of dry herb or extracts in your heating oven, and your IQ2 portable vaporizer will track and report dose per draw and per session. Different strains, dry herbs, oils, and wax will all have different levels of concentrate. Measure your product strength and adjust the temperature on your portable dry herb vape accordingly. Adjusting the heat to different temperatures will change your vape experience.
Using our vaporizer App, you can track and report the number of active compounds per draw and per session with the first Fill Your Own - Know Your Dose vaporizer. Simply input your strain potency and the amount of ground dry herb or extracts that you put in the oven of your DaVinci dry herb vaporizer. Our accurate dosage calculation on your portable vaporizer will help you get the most out of your vape experience.
With our weed vaporizers, you’re able to adjust your vaporizer temperature manually, within one degree of accuracy, or simplify your vape experience by using Smart PathTM temperature control. At higher temperatures and low airflow, enjoy denser vapor. At lower temperatures with less airflow, savor smooth, clean vapor. Whatever heating temperature you decide on for your dry herb, our handheld herbal vape will provide optimal satisfaction.
Like the other DaVinci vaporizers, the IQ2 vaporizer is built with purity in mind. The last thing we want is for you to be inhaling any harmful substances while you vape. That is why you will not find any metal or plastic parts touching your dry herb or contaminating the flavor of your vapor. The all-ceramic vapor path is engineered with zirconia components and a glass-lined ceramic bowl to ensure unprecedented purity and flavor. Our dry herb vaporizers are built with you and your vape experience in mind. Vape easy, knowing that no extra materials or debris will enter your airways. THC vapor, extracted from your cannabis, will be the only thing you breathe in, thanks to the interior of your vaporizer.
IQ2’s light grid display provides feedback in a panel of 51 dimmable LED lights to show the length of your portable vape draw, your dose per draw, precise temperature, Smart Path, battery life, and more. The battery is rechargeable and replaceable with any flat-top18650 battery with 10A continuous discharge, prolonging the life of your vaporizer. Like other DaVinci vaporizers, the IQ2 unit contains no loose parts making it quick and easy to load dry herb into your portable vaporizer when you are on the go. Make sure to clean the chamber of your dry herb vaporizer regularly in order to maintain a clear vapor path and keep it from being blocked by sticky vape substances. With the IQ2, we have further simplified the airpath design making it even easier to clean. Our portable vaporizers are meant to last for years, making your overall vaping experience much more affordable. This is why the IQ2 vaporizer is built to last and includes a 10-year limited warranty.
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